ocr: Figure 9: Continued Onl'rintto Hinndles Pileviewers PrintTo, Retums FALSE witl: mhr = ENOTIMPL. OnfinalRelcasely Called from CPileViewer:OnfinalRelesse when the COM object is: about to te: clestrayed (ref count-0), this Eunction cinses the docnment and deatroys the nam window. Unuetrilesame Lised thronghout the code, and to handle Pentsitle.etcurie. Delault iplemtentatien returns the mme ofthe actave CDncument as a CStrg. Can0penDocument Helper tunction user to determine if the viewer knows how to open a document, by: altempiing ta: match the tilename extension with a Cikctemplate in the app's ...